
1 manta.
2 blanket, travelling rug.
3 shawl, wrap.
4 kerchief worn by men as tie.
5 horsecloth, saddle-cloth.
6 furrow for (vine) cuttings.
7 layer of fallen leaves in woods.
8 Mil mantelet.
9 screen or blanket spread underneath the olive trees at harvest time.
10 bras sun-dried large piece of meat or fish.
11 bras meat of the breast or ribs of cattle.
12 cheat, swindle.
13 loss at business.
14 shoal of fishes.
15 Ictiol manta ray.
16 Tecel lap.Expressõesguia de manta movable lap turner.
manta de cama bedspread.
manta de retalhos a) patchwork quilt. b) patchwork: composition formed of verses or passages from various authors.
manta de toicinho flitch of bacon.
manta para cardar, rolo de manta carded lap.
passar a manta em alguém to cheat, swindle someone.
pintar a manta to paint the town red.
tomar uma manta bras to be cheated.
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