1 to give, offer, bestow, present: dei-lhe uma gorjeta / I gave him a tip: dê-me um cigarro / give me a cigarette: ela deu à luz uma filha / she gave birth to a daughter.
2 to hand over, deliver.
3 to grant, concede.
4 vulg to have sex (to cause or experience pleasurable feelings in one’s body, usually centred on one’s anus or vagina).
5 dar-se a) to happen, come to be, occur. b) to agree, live in harmony: ele se dá bem com seus professores / he gets along well with his teachers: nós nos damos muito bem / we get along very well together.Expressõesdá na mesma it’s all the same.
dar alta to discharge (from a hospital).
dar as boas-vindas a to welcome, extend a welcome to.
dar as caras to show up.
dar cabo de to kill.
dar certo to come out right, turn out fine.
dar com to meet, run across.
dar com a língua nos dentes to blab, tattle, spill the beans.
dar no pé / dar o fora to take to one’s heels.
dar uma de doente to feign illness.
dar um fora gír to dump, get rid of someone.
dar um jeito to fix up, manage, find a way.
dê o fora! get out of here!
isto não dará certo this won’t work.
o relógio deu cinco horas the clock struck five.
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