1 to be worth: uma libra vale cerca de um dólar e sessenta e três centavos / a pound exchanges for one dollar and sixty three cents.
2 to be valuable.
3 to cost.
4 to deserve.
5 to help, assist.
6 to be valid, have force or power: sua sentença vale muito / his judgement carries great weight.
7 valer-se (de) to avail oneself of, take refuge with.Expressõesa saúde vale mais do que a riqueza health is above wealth.
fazer valer os seus direitos to stake a claim.
mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois voando a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
não vale o que come he is not worth his salt.
não vale um caracol it is not worth a fig.
quanto vale? how much is it worth?
vale a pena it is worth it, it is worthwhile.
vale o preço it is worth its price.
vale quanto pesa it is as good as it looks.
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