Numerais Cardinais / Cardinal Numbers
0 | zero | zero, nought, nothing, O |
1 | um | one |
2 | dois | two |
3 | três | three |
4 | quatro | four |
5 | cinco | five |
6 | seis | six |
7 | sete | seven |
8 | oito | eight |
9 | nove | nine |
10 | dez | ten |
11 | onze | eleven |
12 | doze | twelve |
13 | treze | thirteen |
14 | quatorze, catorze | fourteen |
15 | quinze | fifteen |
16 | dezesseis | sixteen |
17 | dezessete | seventeen |
18 | dezoito | eighteen |
19 | dezenove | nineteen |
20 | vinte | twenty |
21 | vinte e um | twenty-one |
22 | vinte e dois | twenty-two |
23 | vinte e três | twenty-three |
24 | vinte e quatro | twenty-four |
25 | vinte e cinco | twenty-five |
26 | vinte e seis | twenty-six |
27 | vinte e sete | twenty-seven |
28 | vinte e oito | twenty-eight |
29 | vinte e nove | twenty-nine |
30 | trinta | thirty |
40 | quarenta | forty |
50 | cinquenta | fifty |
60 | sessenta | sixty |
70 | setenta | seventy |
80 | oitenta | eighty |
90 | noventa | ninety |
100 | cem | a hundred |
101 | cento e um | a hundred and one |
110 | cento e dez | a hundred and ten |
120 | cento e vinte | a hundred and twenty |
200 | duzentos | two hundred |
300 | trezentos | three hundred |
400 | quatrocentos | four hundred |
500 | quinhentos | five hundred |
600 | seiscentos | six hundred |
700 | setecentos | seven hundred |
800 | oitocentos | eight hundred |
900 | novecentos | nine hundred |
1000 | mil | a thousand |
1001 | mil e um | a thousand and one |
1010 | mil e dez | a thousand and ten |
2000 | dois mil | two thousand |
10 | dez mil | ten thousand |
100 | cem mil | a hundred thousand |
1,000,000 | um milhão | a million |
2,000,000 | dois milhões | two million |
1,000,000,000 | um bilhão | a billion |
Numerais Ordinais / Ordinal Numbers
1st | primeiro | first |
2nd | segundo | second |
3rd | terceiro | third |
4th | quarto | fourth |
5th | quinto | fifth |
6th | sexto | sixth |
7th | sétimo | seventh |
8th | oitavo | eighth |
9th | nono | ninth |
10th | décimo | tenth |
11th | décimo primeiro | eleventh |
12th | décimo segundo | twelfth |
13th | décimo terceiro | thirteenth |
14th | décimo quarto | fourteenth |
15th | décimo quinto | fifteenth |
16th | décimo sexto | sixteenth |
17th | décimo sétimo | seventeenth |
18th | décimo oitavo | eighteenth |
19th | décimo nono | nineteenth |
20th | vigésimo | twentieth |
21st | vigésimo primeiro | twenty-first |
22nd | vigésimo segundo | twenty-second |
23rd | vigésimo terceiro | twenty-third |
24th | vigésimo quarto | twenty-fourth |
25th | vigésimo quinto | twenty-fifth |
26th | vigésimo sexto | twenty-sixth |
27th | vigésimo sétimo | twenty-seventh |
28th | vigésimo oitavo | twenty-eighth |
29th | vigésimo nono | twenty-ninth |
30th | trigésimo | thirtieth |
31st | trigésimo primeiro | thirty-first |
40th | quadragésimo | fortieth |
50th | quinquagésimo | fiftieth |
60th | sexagésimo | sixtieth |
70th | septuagésimo | seventieth |
80th | octogésimo | eightieth |
90th | nonagésimo | ninetieth |
100th | centésimo | one hundredth |
101st | centésimo primeiro | one hundred and first |
200th | ducentésimo | two hundredth |
Numerais Multiplicativos / Multiplicative Numbers
2 | duplo, dobro | double, twofold |
3 | triplo, tríplice | triple, threefold |
4 | quádruplo | quadruple, fourfold |
5 | quíntuplo | quintuple, fivefold |
6 | sêxtuplo | sextuple, sixfold |
7 | séptuplo | septuple, sevenfold |
8 | óctuplo | octuple, eightfold |
9 | nônuplo | ninefold |
10 | décuplo | decuple, tenfold |
11 | undécuplo | elevenfold |
12 | duodécuplo | twelvefold |
100 | cêntuplo | centuple, hundredfold |
Numerais Fracionários / Fractional Numbers
2 | meio, metade | half (plural: halves) |
3 | terço | third |
4 | quarto | quarter, fourth |
5 | quinto | fifth |
6 | sexto | sixth |
7 | sétimo | seventh |
8 | oitavo | eighth |
9 | nono | ninth |
10 | décimo | tenth |
11 | onze avos, undécimo | eleventh |
12 | doze avos, duodécimo | twelfth |
100 | centésimo | hundredth |
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