1 appearance, aspect.
2 semblance, look, mien.
3 opinion, concept, idea: sou do parecer que / I am of the opinion that.
4 point of view.
1 to appear, seem, look, have the appearance of: ele parecia estar zangado / he seemed angry: alguma coisa parecia estar perto de mim / I felt as if something were near me: isto parece fraude / this looks like a fraud: você parece desapontado / you look disappointed: o ar parece quente / the air feels warm: parece-me que a campainha está tocando / I seem to hear the bell ringing: parece-me impossível / it seems impossible to me.
2 parecer-se (com) to resemble, be similar to.Expressõesao que parece it looks as if.
emitir o seu parecer to speak one’s mind.
parece que vai chover it looks like rain.
parecer de perito expert’s report.
parece ser diferente it looks the other way.
parece um sonho it seems like a dream.
que lhe parece? what do you think?
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