hair: a) any growth of hair on the human body: seus cabelos eriçaram-se / his hair stood on end. b) a thread of hair: não lhe torceram um cabelo sequer / not a hair of his head was touched.Expressõesagarrar a ocasião pelos cabelos to take the occasion by the forelock.
arrumar os cabelos to do the hair, to have one’s hair done.
cabelo à escovinha a crewcut.
cabelo carapinha kinky hair.
cabelo crespo crisp or frizzled hair.
cabelo curto short hair.
cabelo encaracolado curly hair.
cabelo lambido/escorrido lank hair.
cabelo liso straight hair.
cabelo ondulado wavy hair.
corte de cabelo haircut.
de arrepiar os cabelos hair-raising.
de cabelo na venta touchy, ill-tempered.
por um fio de cabelo by the skin of one’s teeth.
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