1 to go, come or step out: o telefone tocou exatamente quando eu estava saindo de casa / the telephone rang just as I was going out of the house.
2 to leave: ele saiu da companhia / he left the company.
3 fig to go beyond limits, exceed.
4 to emerge.
5 to issue from: saía sangue do ferimento, e percebemos que ela tinha sido baleada na perna / blood issued from the wound and we noticed she had been shot in the leg.
6 to come into being.
7 to come off: a peça sairá de cartaz na próxima semana / the play will come off next week.Expressõesao sair do sol at sunrise.
sair à francesa, sair de fininho to leave a place unnoticed.
sair às pressas to hurry out.
sair da moda to go out of fashion.
sair das dívidas to get out of debt.
sair de carro to go for a drive.
sair de viagem to go on a journey.
sair-se bem to succeed.
sair-se mal to come off badly.
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