to serve:
1 to labor as a servant.
2 to perform the duties of a position.
3 to wait on, attend on.
4 to help, assist.
5 to be useful: isto pode servir-lhe / this may be of some use to you.
6 to render military service.
7 to suit, be suitable: estes sapatos não me servem / these shoes don’t fit me.
8 servir-se a) to make use of: já não me sirvo dele / I am not using it any more. b) to help oneself (at table): sirva-se / help yourself.Expressõespara que serve? what is it good for?
sevir à pátria to serve one’s country.
servir de to serve as.
servir de lição to serve as a lesson.
servir no exército to serve in the army.
servir para a) to serve for. b) to lend itself or oneself to.
servir-se da ocasião to seize the opportunity.
servir-se de to employ, make use of.
servir voluntariamente to volunteer.
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