1 to place, put:
não sei onde pus aquela carta / I don’t know where I have put that letter.
3 to bring into some particular state or condition.
9 to render or translate into.
14pôr-se a) to put, lay or set oneself, place oneself in a definite position:
ele se pôs a escrever / he settled down to writing. b)
Astr to disappear again, set, go down again. c) to dress oneself, outfit oneself
Expressõesele põe o dedo no nariz he picks his nose.
o homem põe e Deus dispõe man proposes, God disposes.
pôr a bandeira a meio pau to halfmast.
pôr a carroça adiante dos bois to put the cart before the horse.
pôr a casa em ordem to set one’s house in order.
pôr a coberto to shelter.
pôr a culpa em to lay the blame on.
pôr à disposição de to place at someone’s disposal.
pôr a ferros to put in irons: puseram-no a ferros / they put him in irons.pôr alguém em dificuldades to get someone into a predicament, pop to put someone in a hole.
pôr a mesa to set the table.
pôr à morte to put to death.
pôr a par to inform.
pôr à prova to put to test.
pôr a prumo to plumb.
pôr as cartas na mesa to put one’s cards on the table.
pôr as esperanças em alguma coisa to fasten one’s hopes upon something pôr à venda to put to sale.
pôr à vista to disclose, expose.
pôr à vontade to relax.
pôr carga em to charge.
pôr casa to set up one’s household.
pôr cuidado em to take care of.
pôr data to date.
pôr debaixo to put, set or lay underneath.
pôr defronte de to oppose, put in front of.
pôr de lado to set aside, neglect, discard, set apart, put away.
pôr de molho a) to steep, soak. b) fig to consult with the pillow.
pôr de pé to raise.
pôr distante to distance.
pôr do sol sundown, sunset, sunsetting, twilight, crepuscle.
pôr em ação to put in practice, put in motion.
pôr em campo to put in the field.
pôr em cena Teat to stage a play.
pôr em conta to allow (for).
pôr em contato to contact, to get in touch.
pôr em contingência to chance, risk.
pôr em debandada to disperse, disband.
pôr em depósito to deposit.
pôr em desalinho to dishevel.
pôr em desordem to disarray, confuse, put out of order.
pôr em dieta to put to diet.
pôr em dúvida to put in doubt, call in question.
pôr em efeito to put into effect.
pôr em estoque to lay in.
pôr em evidência to make clearly visible, call the attention to.
pôr em execução to carry out, put to practice.
pôr em fila to rank, put in line.
pôr em fuga to put to flight.
pôr em funcionamento to install, put in motion.
pôr em jogo to jeopardize.
pôr em leilão to put up at auction.
pôr em lugar de outrem to put in the place of another.
pôr em movimento to put in motion, set going.
pôr em obra to set on foot.
pôr em ordem to put in order.
pôr em palavras to conceive, put in words.
pôr em posição to put or bring in position.
pôr em perigo to expose to danger, put in danger.
pôr em prática to put into practice.
pôr em relevo to stress, emphasize.
pôr em risco to risk.
pôr em serviço to put in service.
pôr em terra to debark, unload.
pôr em versos to turn into verse.
pôr em vigor to put in force.
pôr fim a to put an end to.
pôr fogo to lay fire, set fire to.
pôr fora to throw out.
pôr fora de ação to put out of action.
pôr fora de perigo to bring out of danger.
pôr freio em to curb, restrain.
pôr lado a lado to lay together.
pôr mãos à obra to lay hands on, put one’s hand to the plow: pusemos mãos à obra / we turned our hands to it.
pôr meia-sola to half-sole.
pôr na cadeia to confine in jail.
pôr na cama to put to bed, put to sleep.
pôr na conta to charge: ponha isto na minha conta / charge it to my account.
pôr na rua to put on the street, throw out, fire.
pôr no berço to cradle.
pôr no bolso to pocket.
pôr no chão to put on the ground, to ground.
pôr no prego pop to put up the spout, hock, pawn.
pôr no seguro to insure.
pôr num curral to corral.
pôr o chapéu to put on the hat.
pôr o preço to set a price.
pôr ovos to lay eggs.
pôr para fora to throw out.
pôr para o lado to put aside.
pôr por terra to throw over, destroy.
pôr-se a... to be about to...
pôr-se a falar to begin to speak, be about to speak.
pôr-se a caminho to get under way, set ont.
pôr-se a salvo to run away, run for it, save one’s skin.
pôr-se bem com to come to friendly terms with, make up to, reconcile oneself with.
pôr-se em campo to take the field.
pôr-se em contato com to get in contact with.
pôr-se em evidência to distinguish oneself, coloq fill the bill.
pôr-se em movimento to begin to go, start out.
pôr sinal em to mark.
pôr termo a to make an end to.
pôr versos em música to set a poem to music.