1 world, universe, globe, earth: assim é o mundo / that’s the way of the world.
2 humanity, mankind.
3 social class, society.
4 bras large quantity, great many, great number: eu daria o mundo para saber / I’d give anything to know.Expressõesalma do outro mundo ghost, apparition.
cair no mundo bras, pop to flee.
desde que o mundo é mundo from the beginning of times.
homem do mundo man of the world, gentleman.
meio mundo all the world and his wife.
o mundo de hoje our age, the world we live in.
o mundo todo the whole world.
o novo mundo the New World.
pessoa ou coisa do outro mundo bras, pop splendid, excellent person or thing.
pôr a boca no mundo to yell, shout.
prometer mundos e fundos to make extraordinary promises.
um mundo de dificuldades a world of troubles.
um mundo de gente an enormous crowd.
velho como o mundo old as the hills.
ver o mundo to see the world, travel.
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