1 figure: a) appearance. b) aspect, shape, frame. c) social importance, eminence. d) person, personality, individuality. e) drawing, design. f) image, picture.
2 Baralho face card (a king, queen or jack in a deck of cards).
3 character: a person marked by notable or conspicuous traits: ele é uma figura / he is quite a character.Expressõesdepois daquela minha conversa com ele o caso mudou de figura after that conversation with him the case looked quite different.
ele é apenas uma figura de proa he is nothing but a figure head.
em figura in attitude, in posture.
fazer boa figura to cut a good figure.
figura de cera waxwork.
figura de retórica figure of speech.
mudar de figura to put a new face on things, become different.
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